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How Secure is Your Front Door?

It’s important to make sure your home is safe from potential intruders. Is your front door as secure as you’d like it to be? Is it in good enough condition to keep burglars away? In this post we’re going to be taking a look at what you can do to deter would-be intruders from getting into your home by making sure all main access points are secure.

Keep Your Door Locked When Leaving the House

It may seem perfectly obvious but always make sure you keep your front door locked, even if you’re only leaving for a short time. It’s also important to take a good close look at your doors, both front and back, and check to see if they are in good enough condition, are they fixed to the wall securely? It only takes the slightest provocation if your doors are not secure for intruders to enter.

Replacing Your Front Door

If your front door isn’t in as good a condition as you’d like it to be, then replace it. When you do, make sure it’s an extremely thick door and one that’s not easy to knock down.

Front Door Locks

You need to fit good quality locks in order to give yourself the security you need. A mortise lock is crucial for exterior doors and helps them to avoid being vulnerable to attack. It’s enough to put off intruders so do give it careful consideration.

Front Door Frames

A good front door frame equals a good front door. If the frame isn’t strong enough or isn’t in as good a condition as your door, then you’re house isn’t safe. A loose front door frame is a liability and it won’t matter how strong the rest of your door and locks are. Make sure you check your door frame thoroughly and if it needs repair make sure you securely fit it with screws and bolts. If you don’t think you can do it yourself, then call in a professional to take a look.

Ensure Back Doors are Safe as Well as the Front

If an intruder can’t get in via the front door, then he might just try his luck at the back, so don’t make it easy for him. Do something about it and make sure the back doors are safe too, make sure there are locks from the top to the bottom and of course that goes for your front door as well. Any connecting doors should be securely locked and also your garage.

There should be no easy points of entry at any part of your house. Use mortise locks on your back doors too so it’s impregnable both at the front and back.

Patio Doors and French Windows

These should also be fitted with mortise bolts or locking bolts which are surface mounted and securely fitted so they don’t move. A burglar will just love an easy to enter patio door, it’s one of their favourite points of entry, so make sure this is one area you take care of.

Letter Boxes on Your Front Door

Make sure the letter box isn’t near the lock on your door. An intruder can slip their arm through and open the door this way. Make sure it’s a safe distance from the locks. You could even have a door viewer installed into your door so you can see who is behind the door, it’s useful in urban areas and it’s also popular with older people.

We hope you’ve found our guide on front door security useful. It’s important you keep your home safe with secure doors and locks. If there’s anything you don’t understand or you have any further questions about this or any other security related question then contact us today.